I have a Bath %26 Body Works mp3 player and my mom has an old RD1071 RCA Lyra thingy. Which holds more songs? Which is overall better? An opinion would be great.
I have the bath and body works one, and I already put about 25 songs on there... Thats not a whole lot, but it lasts as long as my workout. I saw that you could put more than that, but I don%26#39;t know how many exactly. I hope this helps. huh? Is it a 512 mb or 1 gb?
512 mb- holds around 120 songs
1gb- holds 240 songs in my opinion any mp3 player is better than the bbw one because my friend and i both bought one from our store and we both had to bring them back because they would turn off randomly and no they do not hold much of anything...
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