I have an ipod mini and i am tired of constantly deleting songs so im going to get a video and it doesnt seem like a new ipod is coming out for a while that i will be able to affored because the iphone. But my brother has one and it is black and he has a case but when there is no case it scratches easily. I dunno if i should get black i like the look better but i dont want to have it scratch and look like my brothers. He says he doesnt care. I also like white because it shows scrathes less and it looks nicer in most cases. So which should i get.
white. you cant see the scratches on the white ipod. on the black ipod the scratches are really visible. my brother got a black one and i got a white one and i dropped my a thousand times and his just got scratched naturally and you can see the scratches on his and you cant see the scratches on mine. and if you get a skin for your ipod it looks better on white. and you can get a tattoo for a white ipod when you cant for the black black i think they both look cool. my teacher has a black one. so do my friends that have them. i itnhk white is best, i have a white one and i really like it, so go for white! xxxxxxx neither...not yet at least
I wouldn%26#39;t get one this late in the game, personally. At the rate things have been going, ipods are updated every september. So wait until the better and cheaper ones come out. I heard they have wireless and a big screen!
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