Saturday, October 10, 2009

Black rain cd and itunes artwork?

okay i recently bought black rain by ozzy osbourne and when i put onto itunes it doesn%26#39;t recognize that its the black rain cd that is from the itunes store, anyone have any idea to make them match, and i%26#39;ve tried checking and making sure that all info matches but that doesn%26#39;t work


There is an option in the advanced menu called "get track names" and "get album artwork." if you haven%26#39;t tried those already.

If that didn%26#39;t work and you%26#39;re importing the CD into itunes, you can go in by hand and put the information and artwork in via the get info command (ctrl-i or apple-i, depending on your operating system)

There are some apps that claim to magically do these things for you, but I%26#39;ve found them to be somewhat inaccurate and they may mislabel or put the wrong artwork on your album. If you%26#39;d like to try them anyway, try doing a search on

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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