Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bringing an MP3 player into a steam room.?

OK I realize the heat and steam would outright kill my MP3 player in a steam room SO I was thinking about doing the following:

1.) Place the MP3 player in a water tight Ziplock Bag to keep out any excess moisture from contacting the player.

2.) Place the bag with the MP3 player in it into a very small Coleman Cooler and shutting the lid to keep the temperature from getting to high inside the cooler.

So far I have experimented with a crappy portable CD player. The player worked fine despite being in ONLY the plastic baggy and no cooler to protect it from the temperature increase. So far the player has survived three trips to the steam room unscathed. Is it time to try the expensive MP3 player in the cooler setup now?


You might try it but do it at your own risk. If you bust your MP3 player I will not be responsible. You should use the second option.

Victor two word, dont do it Do not do that. It%26#39;s too high of a gamble. But if you do let me know how it works?

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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