I was walking and someone bumped into me, iRiver in hand, and it fell on the floor and I accidentally (obviously) stood on it (kept walking, bastard). The screen has smashed, and I removed the glass because I was afraid it%26#39;d scratch the inner screen. Of course, it already has a small scratch. Now, I suppose can live with that, but until I find out whether or not I can buy a replacement glass screen, I%26#39;ve pretty much rendered it useless out of fear of doing it again..
It%26#39;s a H320, void warranty. My question is, does anyone know if there%26#39;s a shop or something similar that I can buy a replacement screen? I don%26#39;t mind if it%26#39;s online, it%26#39;s just that I couldn%26#39;t find one myself.. I live in Australia, by the way. Your help would be much appreciated.
Try here or e-bay = http://www.iriveramerica.com/support/ult...
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