I am having difficulty deciding on which iPod to purchase. The 30GB holds 7,500 songs and the 80GB holds 20,000 songs. Which is better in your opinion? I%26#39;ve just recently been shopping now for one. I can see the cons against the 80GB, I mean who really has time to listen to 20,000 songs. Yet it%26#39;s slightly bulkier.
Any help would be great, thanks a lot! Just wanting your opinion.
Am I willing to spend $350 for an iPod, possibly if I get my moneys worth, which I probably will, I just don%26#39;t know which one to buy.
unless u have a lot more than 7,500 songs id go with the 30. i have one and i have like 5,500 songs and a bunch of music videos and tv shows and it works great. plus u save some money going with the 30 and thinness shouldnt be a problem saying that i have the moto razr and the 30 gig ipod is thinner than that. They are the same only one has a larger hard drive than the other. The general rule is to get the biggest hard drive that you can afford. If you plan on watching movies on it, I%26#39;d go 80gb. Before you poo-poo the idea, the picture is really amazing for a such a small screen. Movie files are large, so if you were wanting to put 5-10 movies on it to watch while on a trip or something you might be glad you had that extra space.
With regards to capacity, I always go back to a 1980ish quote from Bill Gates, "nobody will ever need more than 64K bytes of memory".
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