Friday, June 18, 2010

Will CDs ever be replaced?


of course duh someday. I think they will make them smaller. yeah , they allready practically are by i-pods. who wants to go out and buy a cd for 15 to use on a crappy c-d player that can get scratched beyond repair when you could buy an i-po from $150.00 - $400.00 and pick only the songs you want.and get them off limewire for free. so in the monkey you would spend on cd%26#39;s your whole life you could buy an i-pod and pick the songs you like off the alblum , shop from home , it won%26#39;t skip , clear , you can attatch it to stereos , you can run and do physical activity with it does exactly what a cd does plus more , only 10 times better. absolutely, yes.

now already using small memory like chip.

So better collect CD start from now.. Flash drives are the wave of the future. CDs scratch and data can be lost Yes, of course.

Like VCR tapes, floppy disks and vinyl records, CDs will eventually become an obsolete storage method. Already we are seeing technology that supersedes them.

For example, we now have DVDs, flash drives, and iPods

However, until there is widespread use of a new product (and even after), we may not see CDs disappearing from people%26#39;s lives.

This may happen over a short time, or take much longer, depending on the pros %26 cons of the new material. Factors to consider include: compatability with current hardware, affordability, size (both physical %26 capacity), and durability. duhh, CD%26#39;s are like small record players. ugh! flash drives and MP3 players will be the majority in 5 years and CD sales will go way down.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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