ok my moms friend told me to load some songs for her and i have the pink nano ipod %26 she has a black one thats 1 GB and i plugged it in and it did something and it earsed all songs! please help how do i get them back! i need 2 give the ipod back tomorro please help! %26 i firgured that i have to reload so wutev%26#39;s but will it do that 2 mi ipod?
Okay, just first go to your mom%26#39;s friend and tell her what happened. Tell her to plug it into her own music library and then all her songs will load again. Then, download some new songs for her in HER library. You can do it on your computer but you%26#39;ll have to get all her songs into your music library somehow and some new ones, too. If you plug an iPod with songs on into a different computer, it will blank the iPod and put the songs off the new computer on to it =[ Thats what happens it probably erased all the songs because itunes is set to your ipod. you have to change the setting on itunes (when you put in the ipod) to manually change so it won%26#39;t automatically erase what doesn%26#39;t match your library. OR if you pressed the restore button after plugging in her device that also erases all the content on the ipod. it probably won%26#39;t do the same thing to your ipod because it recognizes it. Well you can%26#39;t get the songs back, they are gone. Don%26#39;t panic if the person has the songs on their ipod they should be able to get them back easily. to keep this from happening you have yo goto the Ipod settings and uncheck the box that says "automaticly update songs on ipod" this will make it so you have to manually update the songs. do wat they said If you sync an iPod to a different iTunes then you lose all the songs and can%26#39;t get them back.
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