I want to record my vinyl albums and cassettes to CDs, but I am not a technically sophisticated guy, so I want to make it as simple as possible. It is my impression that there are three fairly simple vinyl to CD recorders that I can consider:
Crosley Songwriter CR 248 PA
Teac GF-650
Teac GF-350
I have read that the Teac GF-350 makes low quality CD recordings, and if that is so, I don%26#39;t want it. Can you confirm whether that is true? That leaves the Crosley Songwriter CR 248 PA and the Teac GF-650, both which sell for $400-$500. I would be very interested in seeing what you think about:
Is either the Crosley Songwriter CR 248 PA or the Teac GF-650 easier to use, or less buggy?
Which of the Crosley Songwriter CR 248 PA or the Teac GF-650 makes better sounding LPs to CDs?
I have a really high quality cassette deck, can I use the AUX input on the Teac GF-650 to record my cassettes onto CDs?
Anything else I should consider?
I%26#39;d use a USB Record player recorder it hooks to your PC and converts them to what ever format E.g mp3 do a google search on them.
All the best mp3 and mp4 players http://www.mp4direct.org
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