can anyone tell me why an MP3 is called this..just curious
Moving Picture Experts Group layer 3
The Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) is a working group under the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that sets the standards for encoding audio and video in digital format. music player number 3 It stands for Mpeg 3. Its just an encoding. Some pictures use Jpeg. Some movies use Mpeg. Mpeg 3 is only for music and it has a real high compression ratio so thats why everybody uses it. It started life as a method of encoding video files, developed by the Moving Picture Enterprise Group. Their first standard was MPEG1, then MPEG2 (still widely used), MPEG3 and MPEG4 (widely used). MPEG3 didn%26#39;t catch on for video, but it%26#39;s audio standard worked well. This is what%26#39;s now generally known as MP3. It stands for Music Pirating and 3 is the number of years you get if you are caught!!
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