It cuts out when i turn the volume up but I dont have to have it very loud before it does this. Is it something to do with the speakers?
You need to check your speaker wiring as well. It could be you have wires touching somewhere causing a short. I had that same thing happen to me and I found they were touching where I had spliced some wire.
Once I separated the 2 wires the problem went away.
weeder Do you have an impedance mismatch? Is this a new symptom? Need a bit more info. ;-)= No, Don%26#39;t think it%26#39;s your speakers. Sounds like you%26#39;ve got dirty contacts on the volume knob. Try turning off the hi-fi and turning the knob back and forth several times. This may be enough to clean the contacts inside... If not, Go to Radio Shack and buy a can of Tuner Spray. Pull the knob off and spray the spray on the base of the post and turn the post back and forth to work it in. Do this several times and when the spray has dried, try it and see if it helps. Make sure the hi-fi is off when you use the spray... Don%26#39;t want any shorts or shocks!
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