Both are about the same. Ipod has iTunes to get music and has its own format to follow. Same with the Zune. The only difference is Zune has a feature which you can share music with other Zune owner wirelessly. However, the song you share will only be there for 3 days or 3 plays, whichever comes first. Personal preference, Ipod. Simply because its a more developed system that let you do more. More of your friends will have ipod which you can share media files with. well.. ilike the ipod only becuase its pretty thin .. and cool
but i like to use the zune a lot better. but i have a creative zen vision m i think i prefer the ipod =] IPod because there are more after market accessories. I think the Ipod is better - with 70 million sold as of November 2006 - it way outsold the Zune and I really don%26#39;t think Zune had the market presence that iPod has. the Ipod is very very versatile and there is so much that you can do with it that people really don%26#39;t realize. You can use it as a simple music player but you can also use it to to view movies, tv shows, music videos and any converted video file - you can also use it to store/view claendar, contact and other file info. so in essence you have the choice as to whether to make this a simple mp3 player or much more. also there are many more iPod accessories available and so on. You have to remember the whole jist behind this was portability - so in essence it really does do away with the need to lug CD%26#39;s DVD%26#39;s date books and stacks and stacks of files!! I say iPod all the way! iPod 80Gb video get them here
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