Sunday, June 20, 2010

Which is the best ipod?


Ipod video. But if you dont really have alot of music then just go with the nano. but i really like the video the best :) Ipod video. But if you dont really have alot of music then just go with the nano. but i really like the video the best :) I think all ipods are equally good. You just need to get the one that suits your needs. LIke if you have more than 5 gigs of music get a 30 gig video, if you dont have more than 5 gigs get a nano, If you have less than 2 gigs get a 2 gig nano 2-5 get the 4 gig. I would get the shuffle couse they dont have a screen unless you are gonna use it for jogging only. all ipods are great, depends on the user...

ipod video:

1. if you have a huge music collection

2. if you like to watch videos

3. if you don%26#39;t mind a big music player in your hand or your pocket

4. if you like to buy games in itunes

5. if you like a bigger screen

ipod nano:

1. if you have an average music collection

2. if you like a thin and sleek player

3. if you like a durable player

4. if you like to exercise while listening to music

5. if you like light weight player

ipod shuffle:

1. if you have a small music collection and loves to make a playlist

2. if you like to exercise while listening to music

3. if you like a cute and small player

4. if you like a durable player

5. if you don%26#39;t care what music you are listening Apple iPhone - in addition to doing everything the iPod does, it is also a telephone.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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