Ok i was coming home from the shore yesterday and i was listening to my ipod. it worked fine. This morning i went to go for a bick ride and it said"OK to Disconnect" I dont know what that means. I tryed turning the ipod off, on, and trying to lock it but it just stays on that screen. I didnt hook it up to the computer intull like 3 min ago and it said that my ipod was not reconized. This never happens to me! Can anyone tell me how to fix this?
it is in diskmode (im pretty sure)
just reset it it(hold down menu and select)
that should work unless something else is wrong with it Get a usb drive and down load all your songs onto it. Then erase every thing and start from scratch. itz_zachry is right you should just reset it. If that doesn%26#39;t work try to restore it back to its factory settings using itunes if you can connect it.
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