The iPod line hasn%26#39;t been substantially refreshed in over 18 months. This is a bit long for Apple and strongly suggests that a new model is pending. Historically, Apple has replaced their iPod SKUs just before the holiday season.
Smart money says that new iPods, possibly including the touch-screen technology in iPhone, will be coming soon. The rumor mill says September.
Apple is notorious for playing close to the vest, but they can only be so unpredictable. I%26#39;d say new iPods inside of 60 days. google it dude! uhh ya most likely next is the iPod flea, an ipod which is small as a flea.. each ipod flea costs about $10 each..
1 each ipod flea holds about 1 song and it will play the song all over and over again until the battery runs out...
2 you can also buy other ipod fleas for more music and u can put these all in the ipod flea bag, u can also buy the ipod flea carrier for more convenience...
3 to pause and play ur ipod flea u should purchase the microscopic flea kit so you can click the microscopic buttons, the kit cost about $9.99...
4 to charge your ipod flea you should purchase the ipod flea battery charger for $6.99 only at wal-mart...
5 you can also buy the ipod flea carrying bag to put all the stuff of ur ipod flea in it...
iPod Flea, you%26#39;ll be itching to use it...
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