Is it something to do with the music file?
no the music file has nothing to do with it. it can be for mp3s and on an iPod at the same time. The reason is because iPod and MP3%26#39;s are 2 different things and companies. The iPod is a product of the MP3 just incorporated and more expensive. So pretty much jst get stuff on windows media player. It%26#39;s like the xbox 360 and ps3!
-hope this helped =) The software is different compared to other mp3 players. They%26#39;ll need the software that was given to you when you bought it. I%26#39;m pretty sure iTunes is not compatible with anything other the Apple products. coz iTunes is only compatible to iPods... itunes is only mp4 not mp3 itunes is made by Apple, and the way it%26#39;s designed it is made to Sychronize only with Apple products. Such as the Nano or other ipods. So When you plug in you mp3 player your computer may recognize it, but itunes won%26#39;t. Unfortunetly anything you download from itunes won%26#39;t be able to play on different mp3 players besides an ipod for multiple reasons but mainly because Itunes was designed only for the ipod. Because your mp3 isn%26#39;t made by Apple Inc. Only Apple products support the iTunes format.
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