My shuffle was working just fine yesterday and this morning. I tried turning it on during lunch time and nothing happened! Can anyone help?
The exact smae thing happened to me. I was shocked to find that after spending 1 hour going through my 3,000 to put 240 songs on it, that after I plugged it it to charge then took it out, the music was no longer on it. Here is what was wrong with mine.
I have all my music on an external harddrive (EHD). When I was putting music onto my shuffle I would go through my EHD, double click the songs that I wanted on my shuffle, so they would open in iTunes. After all the songs I wanted were on iTunes, I dragged them all onto my shuffle and let it charge. The next mouringing I unplugged it and deleted all the music off of iTunes because it was already on my EHD. I listined to it and it was working perfectly. I plugged it in later that night to let it charge and woke up the next mouring to day it on a day trip to St. Louis. I plugged it into my car and found it didn%26#39;t work.
In short, if you don%26#39;t have the songs still in iTunes when you plug it in to charge, all songs will be erased. It does this becasue of an autofill, this means it will only keep it on your shuffle if it%26#39;s still in your iTunes. It also won%26#39;t keep the songs on theere if it can%26#39;t find the original file you got the song from, like limewire. It%26#39;s hard to explain over the computer but this is the best I can do. If you need any more explanation feel free to e-mail me at or here is an iPod help group that is great,
Hope that helps!
Jane Marie Maybe cuhz your earphones arent properly placed in. Or your volume is down low Need more information on using your iPod and its features? These Apple iPod manuals, user guides, and tutorials will help you with using and troubleshooting your iPod, iPod photo, iPod mini, iPod nano and iPod shuffle.
see URL for many links if you just complete a few quick tasks on this site they%26#39;ll send you an ipod, completely free of charge!!
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