(copy/pasted and slightly edited from another post of mine which was rated as best answer)
The iPod is worst of the major MP3 players on the market, completely and totally over-rated and over-priced. Most of the features that come standard on the other players the vaunted iPod needs a peripheral addon to have. These are things such as a radio, voice recorder, and an alarm clock. Then there%26#39;s the truth about their so called dependability. There is a known flaw that has been around since Apple first started to manufacture the blasted things that causes them to lockup needing repair and they have yet to correct this problem. This has been going on for 6 years. Also if you want more proof of how bad their dependability is look around here and you%26#39;ll notice that the problems people have with iPods are way out of proportion when compared to the other major brands. The last major problem I have with the iPod line is their dependability on iTunes. Without it an iPod is just a fancy paperweight. I also don%26#39;t get the whole "cool factor" of the iPod as I think they%26#39;re ugly.
They, unlike what some people seem to think, ARE NOT the first MP3 player on the market. Creative as an example has been making portable MP3 players since 1999 and Apple didn%26#39;t debut the iPod till 2001. That%26#39;s a full 2 years after Creative.
The only reason why iPods are the "most popular" is due solely to Apple%26#39;s Marketing Department. They have managed to convince a bunch of mindless sheep that they have the biggest, bestest (yes this was a deliberate misspelling), and coolest product on the market. Sadly this is not the case and these people are too blind to see the truth of things. Maybe someday they%26#39;ll be able to see through the fog to the light but I seriously doubt it.
To sum it all up, iPods suck. You%26#39;ll be much better off looking at what Creative Labs has to offer in the way of their players. ipods are better because you can hold more songs that an mp3, play games, view pictures, watch videos, and are easier to use. they%26#39;re not as cheap though
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