I can hear the music faintly in the right one, and the left one is just fine. It%26#39;s louder than the right one.. sometimes when i move the right one around, the music goes even quieter.. Is there a way to fix this? Or should I just buy new ones?
that happened to me once,like the music wouldn%26#39;t come out of the left headphone unless i held it at like an angle or twisted it in a certain way. I had to get new headphones after that cuz after awhile,they wouldn%26#39;t work anymore. just buy sony ones for $10.. i like it better and its harder for people to tell if u have an ipod (and try to steal it) Cuz their broken! Duh jk Because all apple headphones suck, Get some good ones that will last so you never need another pair. i think you ha ve put it in water? if tat happened dry it removing all parts in sun Same exact thing happened to me with my Ipod Nano... I ended up having to get some new headphones. I got some at Target.. good price! well you should try seeing if a different pair of headphones work fine in the player. if they work,the headphones are broken. if all the other ones do the same as the ones that came with ur ipod,theres something wrong with ur headphone jack. no it sounds like its a short and no way to fix it get somenew ones this site will give you an ipod just for completing some quick online tasks! really recommend it, especially if you%26#39;re broke but really want an ipod (like me).
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