im using another computer to download itunes and downloading my music on. will plugging my ipod in and using my new itunes in this computer overwrite all my old songs in my ipod? helpppp.
What you want to do is "sync only checked items" at the bottom of the summary page when it comes up. You will not lose your items if you do it that way. Yes.
What you can do is enable disk mode on your iPod (you would have to do it on the computer that you regularly use the iPod with) and then transfer over the songs you want.
You won%26#39;t be able to play these songs from the iPod yet, but you can go home and transfer these songs to your computer and then import into your iPod via iTunes.
Or if you think you%26#39;ll be doing a lot of this and you%26#39;re technically savvy, you can install Rockbox on your iPod. This will allow you to play back any mp3s that you put on the iPod, from any computer. sometime it can delete them but not always
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