i have a 30g video and i LOVE it. had it for a while and ive never had a problem. it is hefty and stable.
it all really depends on how much music you want versus how many videos/photographs youd like.
if you have entire albums/discographies- you may want to go with the 30g. it holds around 7000 songs plus movie/video/photos
if you are a casual music listener and use it for school, gym, commute etc. you may want the nano. it is smaller and more lightweight. you can change your music/playlist easily. The videos are way better.Nano%26#39;s break too easily and they freeze a lot. Ipod Video 30g OFCOURSE It comes down to what you want to use it for. If you want to store your entire music collection and/or videos etc, then the Ipod Video is the way to go.
However, if you just want something to listen to whilst at the gym, on the way to work, or just casually - then the Nano is great - small, durable and very portable!
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