I got it 2nd hand and the only thing I used it for was the radio, but I was confused on the memory. I checked it using the setting and storage in the Zune. Is it wrong or something?
the zunes have usually high gigabytes so plug it into your computer and open My computer or computer if you have vista and right click removeable disk e or if it says zune right click, go to format. (you will lose all files) this should then say you have full memory capacity. also right click on removeable disk E or Zune and go to properties. then look around for memory.
if you need any more info, email me scottyboy2222@yahoo.com
saying ur name and %26#39;Zune troubles%26#39; the memory stettings every electronic comes that way with memeory used up hrm...
The firmware should only take up about 3Gb so are there any videos, pics, or songs on there?
Hope that helps...
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