when you can buy a lookalike ipod for half the ipod price and it has more functions? (video/radio and more?)
Paying for the name sweety... i assume by basic ipod you mean the apple ipod
apple is a huge company so stuff made by it are very expensive cos its the original
like if you buy coco pops its more expensive than say chocolate frosted rice or whatever because a real iPod has got really good sound and you%26#39;ve got iTunes to play with! they%26#39;re expensive, but worth every penny when you think about it. apple sucks I love my ipod, wouldnt use any other MP3 player. Because Steve Jobs needs a new yacht... I%26#39;ve got an ipod and it%26#39;s probably the best thing i%26#39;ve purchased for a long time. Pay that bit extra and get that extra quality. %26gt;iPod%26#39;s are stylish, what wold you rather walk around with, an iPod, or a MP3 player?
%26gt;They are as easy to use as all other Apple products.
%26gt;Compatibilty is never an issue, all macs, and windows 2000 and above.
%26gt;The amount of "extras" available for iPod is great!
%26gt;Up to 80GB storage
%26gt;And much more...
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