I bought my iPod overseas. I loaded it with music on my dads Mac. Now I am back home and want to get some more from my PC. Are there any precautions I should have such as losing the music I currently have? Will my iPod sync up with my PC even though I first set it up on my dads MAC? Yes, I do have iTunes on my PC. Thanks Techies.
There is one thing i have found as a last resort for changing what computer your ipod runs off of. It%26#39;s called Ipod Access, and even with its demo, you can transfer all your songs safely to your computer. Just be careful to follow the directions very carefully, or you might lose the songs (I lost my music because I did not click the OK button in the options on Itunes). i believe this is the link you need:
or you can use this one:
http://www.download.com/ipod-access/3000... yeah should work Nope.
The format for MAC files and PC files are different. iTUNES will ask you if you want to reformat your IPOD to use the PC interface. If you do, you%26#39;ll lose all you music saved previously.
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