Yeah,my Nano got caught in the washing machine.The outside of my Nano is pretty dry,and the first thing I do is try to turn it on,messing with the buttons and such,and then drop it on my bed to throw it away later,since that was the case for everything else that got attacked with water.
A few minutes later I try turning it on again,but still it won%26#39;t work.
Then I try plugging it into my computer,and a few seconds later,I see the Apple sign,but two thick lines are jolting across the screen.
So,I disconnect it and put it on a sunny windowsil to dry,since that%26#39;s what I%26#39;ve been told.
Also,I%26#39;ve got another question about my iPod nano...
It%26#39;s the newer version and I was wondering if I plug my iPod into a friends computer,I could put music from their iTunes into my Nano...
Basically,my computer got rid of my iTunes,and I tried getting another one,but it said that it would delete all the music I currently have because I can%26#39;t have more than two iTunes or something...
It sounds like it will live, and you can plug it into your friend%26#39;s computer.
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