The included earphones for the MP3 player I bought is somewhat kinda queer. I say queer becoz one earphone cable is longer while the other is so short at the joint. Im just wondering why they are like that? Any opinion? Some suggestion how best to use them?
I have some like that too. I%26#39;m sure they have a good reason for that design but I don%26#39;t care for it. I%26#39;ve seen people wear them with the long side around the back of their head instead of hanging down front. Maybe that%26#39;s why they%26#39;re made that way. Try it %26 see how you like wearing them like that. yea i got some like that, ur supposed to put the longest one in the ear furthest away from the music player. Or atleast thats how i do them. The best thing is to just use a different pair of earphones coz they%26#39;re really annoying!
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