when i connect my ipod to my itunes this happens:
(notice the capacity bar)
when i disconnect it, most of the things from my iPod are gone, [some] songs, all videos...
i connect it again and it shows this:
i have to sync it and it takes a lot of time
and this is after i sync
it takes a lot of time to sync my iPod
so the question is why does this happen?? why does it clear all my stuff??
i don%26#39;t have an apple cable but some itec (?) can this be a problem??
i really want to just connect my ipod, put stuff in it, sync and disconnect without going through this shi*
if you get what i mean please help
Your best bet is that you can do a reset on the ipod to restore the factory defaults (do this from itunes). Also you might want to consider getting the actual apple cord because that is what its designed for. Lastly if none of that works it is a technological problem and if you are under warranty apple should replace the ipod for free.
PS. BEST ANSWER APPRECIATED On the screen you get after you sync your ipod check manually manage your songs and then it should give you options of what playlists and how much of your library gets synced.
The answers post by the user, for information only, CeQnA.com does not guarantee the right.
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