I wont turn on at all, how can I fix it?
Two possibilities: It%26#39;s broken or its not getting power. Does it have a internal rechargeable battery? if so plug in the charger and let it sit for a few hours. Otherwise change the battery. Also try a reset, if your unit supports that. Find a reset hole or button, sometimes you will need to use a pin or paperclip - check the documentation. do you have a zen?
To reset your zen = Put a pen head in the hole under the power button for 20 seconds.
A depleted battery may have any of the following symptoms:
The charging icon is missing
The blue power LED is not blinking
The player turns off immediately when it is disconnected from its power supply
Not showing any signs of activity (with the exception of the blue power LED)
No LCD display
The player is not deteced by Windows or any programs
If the player shows the above symptoms, download the firmware below and follow the step by step instructions to install the firmware update.
Go to mp3 web site for firmware downloads
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