Microsoft stated Zune plays .wmv videos. When i try to transfer wmv files to the zune software, some sync w/out converting. Others (about the same size) are converted by the Zune software, even though its also a wmv file. Example: [
is converted by the zune software. When you try to transfer files above 10mb, it takes a hell of a lot of time.
Does anyone know the reason for this?
please let me know
The Zune device only accepts wmv or mp4 formats. If a file is in wmv lossless, the software would convert since that codec is not in the firmware.
Hope that helps... Actually, zune can not support the wmv at any bitrate. if the bitrate of the video is too high to import to zune, zune software will convert it in order to import it to zune.
So I want to recommend a video to zune converter to you, it can convert video files to proper format so that the zune software will not convert it again.
if you still have questions about this, you can shoot me an email or search your answer at
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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