i own a fender roc pro 700, when i hav it through the distortion channel it crack and popps as if there was a whip going off in the back ground or as if i was popping bubble wrap, now the distortion is never turned up past 3 and it goes up to 10 so i know i havnt got it too loud, what is wrong with it
Two things to check, always check when you hear popping or crackling.
First, bad ground. Either in the instrument, the cable, the pedal or the amp. It isn%26#39;t unheard of to find more than one bad ground. A bad ground could be either a clean break, intermittant break, usually emphasised by movement of the effected piece.
The other possiblities are a bad pickup or distortion back through the amp. Your description of the problem makes feedback the least likely.
Go through the elemination process first. Replace one piece of gear in the chain at a time until something changes then zero in on the problem.
The problem could be in the effect itself, you mentioned the distortion channel. Make sure the ground of the electrical outlet that your gear is plugged into is good. Change outlets, making sure that you are not on the same circuit as the first outlet.
I hope this helps.
Play on. Because is a tube amp you have a problem with the capacitors in pre-amp part(dry capacitors).The solution:change the capacitors.
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