I recently downloaded linkin park reanimation CD with all the songs being an mp3 file. When I added it to my music it didn%26#39;t show up in media player 11 like the rest of my music. Why is this?
It may not have been tagged properly from where you obtained it. Look through all the artists in your library if you find one that%26#39;s listed as %26#39;Unknown" check in there for the songs or album. If found there you can use WMP%26#39;s "Advanced Tag Editor" to fix it. Most likely you didn%26#39;t have Media Player 11 setup to autoload the information (do an auto-search of the hard-drive for new media) or the cd did not autoload its "playlist" into Media 11 for you.
Either way it should be fixable, simply by going to your Media Player 11 and having it update the drives media content, or "find and play" the cd content now ON the hard-drive.
Good luck!
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